Just JZ
Just JZ is hosted by Jessi Ngatikaura (jz.styles/@justjessiiii) & Kaylee Moore (@hairbykayj/@kayjhmoore)
Follow along as we talk all things hair, beauty, motherhood, business, lifestyle and more! New episodes every Tuesday!
Just JZ
Industry Hardships + Mental Health
JZ Styles
WE'RE BACK BABY!! We are so excited to be back with the podcast! In this first episode back we talk about industry hardships and taking care of your mental health during this time of year. We also talk about Jessi getting shamed about her baby names aaaand a car accident happens outside of our building in the middle of recording. It's never a dull moment at JZ!
Instagram: @justjessiiii, @jz.styles, @jzstyles.co, @jzacademy
New Episodes every Friday!